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Consultancy Services
We can provide archaeological consultancy advice for all types of development projects. This can include peer review of archaeological reports and documents, as well as guidance through the planning process and professional monitoring of excavation projects.
Desk Based Assessments
We can provide Desk Based Assessments (DBAs) for any size of project. These can range from small private developments to large commercial projects, and fulfil the requirements set by the Planning Department.
The assessment incorporates archive documentary evidence with a physical walkover of the proposed development area, and provides recommendations so that the archaeological resource and its wider implications for the development are understood. If necessary, Technical Advice Notes (TAN) or Preliminary Environmental Impact (PEI) reports can be produced in tandem with the DBA.
Historic Building Surveys
We can provide historic building surveys commensurate with Historic England’s Understanding Historic Buildings (2006) levels 1 to 4. This can take the form of a stand-alone report or as part of a phased programme of work.
Archaeological Watching Brief
We can provide all levels of archaeological watching brief for small to large projects, including the infrastructure and energy sectors.
Archaeological Evaluation
We can open archaeological trial trenches to evaluate the potential for unknown buried archaeological remains within a proposed development area, or to target anomalies identified through geophysical investigation. This will include a limited amount of evaluation excavation to ascertain the nature of buried archaeological features and thus assess the nature of the risk to a proposed development.
Archaeological Excavation
We can provide management for archaeological excavation as well as an out-sourced team of experts to ensure that the archaeological resource is excavated professionally and efficiently.
Assessment of the Significance of the Impact of Development on Historic Landscapes (ASIDOHL) reports
We can provide ASIDOHL reports where a proposed development is located within a registered historic landscape. This includes the expected direct and indirect impacts of the proposed development on each Historic Landscape Character Area (HLCA) affected, and provides recommendations to reduce these impacts.
Environmental Impact Assessments & Environmental Statements
We can provide Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and archaeological Environmental Statement (ES) chapters for proposed developments. This may also include archaeological scoping opinion response, if required.
Archival Research
We can provide archival documentary research as part of a scoping report for proposed developments or as part of private historical research. This will include scrutiny of historical Ordnance Survey, tithe, and estate maps, as well as providing a historical narrative for a property, land, or individual.
Artefact Illustration & site Plan Digitisation
We can provide illustrations of artefacts from all time periods, as well as producing digitised site plans to report publication standard.
Post-excavation Services
We can provide advice and out-sourced expert analysis of artefacts and environmental samples, as well as Assessment of Potential reports and Post Excavation reports for sites where the archaeological mitigation has already taken place.